acceptance to Hebrew U

Last night I got home and was mindlessly checking my email...

facebook... facebook... joke from Gma... email from my Mom...

"does this mean you were accepted to Hebrew U?" she asks me? I scroll down and HOLY CRAP... it IS an acceptance to Hebrew U. Parents are sent emails too about what to expect when your kid's going to school abroad and she read her email first!!

So that's it!! I read it and re-read it just to make sure. Paperwork is in the mail and in October of 2010 I will begin studies at Hebrew University's International School: Rothberg in Jerusalem.


Ok, so back to packing and shipping and yard sale-ing (it could be a word). Happy Memorial Weekend all.


  1. Mazel tov and how/who's paying? As a dad inquiring minds gotta know. See u mon... Ur dad

  2. Dad, that's my next hurdle... finding money and selling my car!!
