Summer Program Begins

I've now been in Israel for 6 weeks and am going to start my summer program today. 6 weeks? I can't believe I've been here this long. Israel has been difficult and very challenging. I feel like I've pushed myself far outside of my comfort zone, experienced new things, gone places I've never thought I would, and been in situations that I didn't think were possible. I cried a lot and laughed a lot. Growing pains, I suppose. Change is never easy, but here I am... in Israel... still pushing forward.

12 weeks ago I was I counting down the days to finish my job and make my move. 6 weeks ago I was boarding a plane to Israel. Now, I'm packing to go spend the next 3 weeks studying with Aish HaTorah's Jewel summer program. Talk about time flying by!

Last night I was invited to go out with a friend to a celebration in Tekoa Dalled (equivalent to the letter D). I currently live in Tekoa Alef (A). Tekoa Dalled is further into the mountains down a tight and curvy road. The celebration was in a one room studio home with other small homes spread out through the hills. There was a bon fire and people milling around to start. I sat next to girl who didn't speak any English and helped her chop potatoes for the stew that was being prepared in the fire pit. When the language barrier is so great you have to find other ways of communicating. We laughed about a little girl dancing, and her big brother trying to play some of the instruments laying around.

While the stew was cooking and the tea kettle was warming on the fire, once again the music started playing. There were several guitars, drums, and keyboards. People singing and clapping while sitting around the fire. The moon was so bright and I sat smiling and thinking to myself, "who would have ever thought I would be here?" Not me. Sometime after 2am, we left and decided to head back home. There were about a dozen or so people still there playing music, enjoying the food, and company... I'm sure it lasted much later into the night. I was told that the celebration was actually much smaller than it usually would be, as we sped back through the hills into the night.

So now I sit here on my bed with my luggage at my feet finishing getting ready for another 3 week adventure. The program I'm starting today is through a woman's seminary in Jerusalem. The program is called Jewel and I think of it as my Israel 101 course. I'll be studying Judaism, Torah, women's studies, relationships, Hebrew language, politics, culture, current events, etc. I will be taking trips around the country and meeting people with similar interests and with similar knowledge and backgrounds.

I'm very excited and a little nervous at the same time. I feel as though this next part is going to be great! Off to finish packing. I'll try to write during this program as much as I can. Shalom!

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