Getting here and Day 1

You know the Johnny Cash song, "I've been everywhere"? Well that has been my personal theme song for the past few weeks. I've been sooo many places and seen sooo many people that I sorta feel like my head is spinning and struggling to catch up.

Last weekend I went to Seattle (Bakersfield to Phoenix to Seattle) and got to see Lindsey and her new diggs. We also visited with her roommate Marianne and her boyfriend Phil. Last minute we had a special surprise visit from Naomi too. Seattle was wonderful with a whole array of temperatures from beautiful and sunny on Saturday to overcast and sorta raining on Sunday. It was wonderful to spend some Q.T. with Lindz before leaving the country. Lindz, if you read this, thank you for the wonderful time and I know you're going to have a great 30th birthday this summer!! I wish I could celebrate with you, but can't wait for you to take a trip to the Mediterranean.

From Seattle, I went to Las Vegas (Seattle to Phoenix to Las Vegas) and got to see Jason the first night and Gabe the second day. We did a little Vegas strip dinner and drinks on Saturday night and I got to see Gabe's new home (got yummy yogurt) and watched the game at the airport before I flew home. (Las Vegas to Los Angeles to Bakersfield). Jason and Gabe, I am so glad that I got to see you and spend time with you before leaving. Gabe, I am so happy for you and your blossoming business and beautiful new home. Jason, you are creative and intelligent and am so glad that we got to know each other this past week. Enjoy my car!

My last 4 days in Bakersfield were a blurr. Packing.. driving here and there.. visiting friends.. making Shabbos dinner for family.

Thursday, Jason and I went to my store for my final morning tea and was so happy to see Bekky and my girls. Bekky, be strong and find your own happiness. Your nest egg will get you there. Sooo.. I took my mug (it's here in Israel by the way) and walked out my store's door one last time. From there, Jason dropped me off and drove my car back to Vegas. I loved my Mercury hybrid SUV. Best vehicle I've ever owned. I know that you'll love it too, Jason.

On Friday, I got to see Josh $ and Craig at my Grent's house. Josh$, you are one of the best friends I've had and it means the world to me that you came by to see me before I left. I made Shabbos dinner for the family, G&G, Debra, David, and Oren and we had a lovely evening before I went to go see The Balzers, D, Lacy, John, Debra, David, Oren, Gia.. for drinks and general merriment at Lacy's place (thank you Lacy by the way).

G&G, thank you for letting me stay with you. I'm sleeping now (for all the sleep I didn't get last week I guess). Thank you for your love and encouragement. I know that Bakersfield must be oddly quiet now for you. Please know that I miss you very much and I know that your Temple family will fill in those gaps for us!

At 6am Saturday, Sara and Debra picked me up at my Grents house and drove me to LAX which was so cool that I got to spend those final hours with them. Sara, you've been one of my closest and dearest friends for the past 2 years and I'm so glad that we were able to take a chance and make a change in order to be friends. Debra, I'm glad that we got to talk it out and maybe start over towards rebuilding our friendship.

I spent the next 14 hours traveling from Los Angeles to Phoenix to Philadelphia to Tel Aviv. Am I tired, you may ask? Hell yes I am! Is it worth it? Hell yes it is!

So here I am, in Tekoa which is just outside of Jerusalem. I spent the day napping and hanging around my Mom's place. Tomorrow we're going into the city (Jerusalem).

So, to those that I mentioned or accidentally missed... thank you for all of your love and support leading up to my trip. Your strength and encouragement have enabled me to take the biggest risk of my life. No job, no car, no place to live... 1/3 life crisis maybe? Who knows. I think of it as an awakening. I know what I'm good at and how to get ahead in life, but I'm not sure if what I was doing is really what I want to do for the rest of my life. So here I am, 10,000 miles away and ready to find out... what's next?!

Safe travels and more to come soon!

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