Hurry up and Wait...

My friend took me to the airport this morning and I think that statement pretty much sums up my present state. Hurry hurry... go here... go there... Wait.

Moving out of country is hard. Have I said that lately? Well it is. I'm doing it though. Every day is a new challenge. A new event. I've accomplished more than I thought I was capable of and now here I am, waiting in the terminal of Bakersfield airport.

I'm flying to Seattle today, thru Vegas on Monday, and back home on Tuesday. I get to help my Dad finish moving on Wednesday, which happens to be the same day Alisa leaves town. Saturday night I leave for Tel Aviv. Woosh... it's happened so fast.

Yesterday I went to the post office to ship a package to myself in Israel (clothes, books and what not)... $136 for one medium sized package?! That's horrendous! That's outrageous! I'll tell you what, I'd rather pay for extra checked luggage on my flight than mail another package over seas. Wow. I'm still in shock. Oh well. Sey La Vee!

I'm looking forward to traveling and this weekend away. I'm looking forward to seeing old friends that I just don't get to see often enough.

I'm grateful of my family and friends at home who are supporting me and cheering me on as I go. Thank you.

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